مشروع "نحن" الكبير
Arte de todos para nosotros
دی بگ "اَس" پروجیکٹ
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Do you have a story to tell? What can all children and adults in Houston learn from you?
THE BIG “US” PROJECT invites people of all ages from Houston’s refugee and immigrant communities to share your culture through stories, parables, or important lessons from your life. Artist of all disciplines will work alongside you to re-tell these stories through theatre, dance, music, and art in December 2023. We are particularly interested in connecting with visual and performing artists!
THE BIG “US” PROJECT is funded in part by a grant from the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.
THE BIG “US” PROJECT is generously funded by Mid-America Arts Alliance, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the state arts agencies of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Funding has been made possible by The Puffin Foundation, Ltd.
هل لديك قصة لتحكيها؟ ما الذي قد يتعلمه منك جميع الأطفال والبالغين في هيوستن؟
مشروع "نحن" الكبير، هو عبارة عن دعوة لجميع الأشخاص من مختلف الأعمار في مجتمعات هيوستن للاجئين والمهاجرين، فهو بمثابة فرصة لمشاركة ثقافتك عن طريق طرح القصص أو الأمثال أو الدروس المهمة خلال تجربتك الحياتية. سيتواجد فنانين من جميع التخصصات لمنحك الدعم والمساعدة اللازمة لإعادة سرد هذه القصص في إطار فني، سواء بالرقص أو الموسيقى، وذلك في ديسمبر 2023. اهتمامنا ينصب بشكل خاص حول التواصل مع الفنانين المرئيين والأدائيين!
ممول مشروع "نحن" الكبير جزئيًا من خلال منحة مقدمة من مدينة هيوستن من خلال هيوستن آرتس ألاينس.
کیا آپ کے پاس لوگوں کو سنانے کے لیے کوئی دلچسپ کہانی ہے؟ ہیوسٹن میں موجود تمام بچے اور بڑے آپ سے کیا سیکھ سکتے ہیں؟
دی بگ "اَس" پروجیکٹ ہیوسٹن کے پناہ گزینوں اور مہاجرین کی کمیونٹیز کے ہر عمر کے لوگوں کو کہانیوں، مثالوں، یا اپنی زندگی کے اہم واقعات کے ذریعے اپنی ثقافت کا اشتراک کرنے کی دعوت دیتا ہے۔ دسمبر ۲۰۲۳ء میں تمام شعبوں کے ماہرین تھیٹر، رقص، موسیقی اور آرٹ کے ذریعے ان کہانیوں کو دوبارہ سنانےکے لیے آپ کے ساتھ مل کر کام کریں گے۔ ہم آرٹسٹس اور فنکاروں اور اداکاروں کے ساتھ مل کر کام کرنے میں دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں!
دی بیگ "اَس" پروجیکٹ کو جزوی طور پر ہیوسٹن آرٹس الائنس کے ذریعے ہیوسٹن سٹی کی ضمانت سے مالی اعانت فراہم کی
ایا تاسو د ویلو لپاره کیسه لرئ؟ په هوسټن کې ټول ماشومان او لویان ستاسو څخه څه زده کولی شي؟
د لویه پروژه موژه هیوسټن د مهاجرینو او مهاجرینو ټولنو څخه د هر عمر خلکو ته بلنه ورکوي چې ستاسو کلتور د کیسې، مثالونو، یا ستاسو د ژوند مهم درسونو له لارې شریک کړي
د ټولو څانګو هنرمندان به ستاسو سره یوځای کار وکړي ترڅو دا کیسې د 2023 په دسمبر کې د تیاتر، نڅا، موسیقۍ او هنر له لارې بیا بیان کړي. موږ په ځانګړې توګه لیوالتیا لرو چې د بصری سره اړیکه ونیسو او ترسره کړو
د متحده ایالاتو لویه پروژه په یوه برخه کې د هوسټن هنر اتحادیې له لارې د هوسټن ښار لخوا تمویل کیږي
¿Tienes una historia que contar? ¿Qué pueden aprender de usted todos los niños y adultos de Houston?
The Big "US" Project invita a personas de todas las edades de las comunidades de refugiados e inmigrantes de Houston a compartir su cultura a través de historias, parábolas o lecciones importantes de su vida. Artistas de todas las disciplinas trabajarán junto a usted para volver a contar estas historias a través del teatro, la danza, la música y el arte en diciembre de 2023. ¡Estamos particularmente interesados en conectarnos con artistas visuales y escénicos!
The Big "US" Project está financiado en parte por una subvención de la Ciudad de Houston a través de Houston Arts Alliance.
See all the films from THE BIG “US” PROJECT 2021 on YouTube.
You can also see the individual short films here.
What is "home" to you? Is it a country? A building? A person? A feeling?
Brave Little Company's THE BIG "US" PROJECT, an initiative begun in 2018, is a collaborative theatre piece led by members of Houston's refugee communities.
Working with artist-mentors in theatre, puppetry, dance, filmmaking, and visual art, more than 50 community members created stories to share with the wider Houston audience. In 2021, with Covid-safer collaboration practices, the pieces were created in smaller groups - sometimes one individual or family at a time. The resulting short films tell stories on the theme of "home," from the diverse perspectives of participants of all ages and experience levels.
THE BIG "US" PROJECT was funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.
THE BIG “US” PROJECT invites children and adults in Houston’s refugee communities to create art together about the theme of Home. You will work with professional artists in theatre, dance, film, puppetry, and visual arts to tell a story that YOU want to tell Houston audiences.
· It's OK if you have not been in a performance before.
· People of all ages are welcome. (Young children can participate with a parent.)
· Be sure to let us know if you are a master artist (extensive experience or training; unique artistic skills in dance, music, theatre or visual arts).
مشروع "نحن" الكبير يدعو جميع الاطفال والكبار في مجتمعات اللاجئين في هيوستن للمشاركة معنا بابتكار قطع فنية محورها الوطن أو "البيت".
سوف يتاح لكم العمل مع فنانين محترفين بالمسرح والرقص و صناعة الأفلام وفن الدمى والفنون البصرية وذلك للإخبار عن قصة ما تريدون إخبارها لجمهور هيوستن.
لا بأس إن لم تعمل أداء فني من قبل، هذه طريقة جيدة للمحاولة إذا أحببت.
جميع الناس من جميع الفئات العمرية مرحّب بهم يمكن للأطفال الصغار المشاركة مع أحد الوالدين أو مرشد.
تأكد من إعلامنا إذا كنت فنانًا رئيسيًا ذو خبرة أداء واسعة ، أومهارات فنية فريدة في الرقص والموسيقى والمسرح أو الفنون البصرية.
THE BIG “US” PROJECT invita a niños y adultos de las comunidades de refugiados de Houston a crear arte juntos sobre el tema del Hogar. Trabajará con artistas profesionales en teatro, danza, cine, títeres y artes visuales para contar una historia que USTED quiera contar al público de Houston.
Está bien si no ha estado en una actuación antes.
Personas de todas las edades son bienvenidas. (Los niños pequeños pueden participar con uno de sus padres).
Asegúrese de informarnos si es un artista maestro (amplia experiencia; si tiene artísticas únicas en danza, música, teatro o artes visuales).
You. Refugees, families, and everyone: This is an opportunity to share your story with all of Houston through performance, art, and music. We are here to listen. All ages, backgrounds, cultures, religions are welcome. Beginners welcome. Master artists welcome.
Rachel H. Dickson is the founding artistic director of Driven Theater Company (DTC) and the Ensemble Theatre's BOLD Artistic Associate. DTC's focus is issue-driven experiences designed to empower, connect and entertain diverse audiences for the purpose of healthy development of all participants. She is able to explore issues more holistically, having secured her Master of Fine Arts in Acting from The University of Illinois and Master of Social Work from University of Houston. Some issues explored by DTC include political views, family dynamics, homelessness, mental illness, self-identity, technology infusion, and intergenerational issues. Rachel also serves the Houston arts community as an actor, director, playwright, dramaturg, educator, producer and artistic consultant. She has worked with various theatres including The Ensemble Theatre, the Alley Theatre, Main Street Theater, Stages Repertory Theatre, Landing Theatre Company, Interactive Theatre Company and Wordsmyth Theatre. She has worked with all ages from Kindergarten to adult, from all works of life, in a variety of settings, teaching a wide range of topics from mathematics to theatre.
Neda Khan is an art educator, student mentor, artist, and graphic designer. Neda has been the visual art teacher for Houston ISD’s DeBakey High School for Health Professions since 2012 where she designed and created several large-scale murals for the campus. She was selected as the Teacher of the Year and district finalist in 2017. In her previous position as the art teacher at Frank Black Middle School, she was selected as the school’s Teacher of the Month, Houston ISD’s Outstanding Asian Teacher of the Year 2011, as well as Teacher of the Year and district finalist in 2012. She received a Fund For Teachers Fellowship and traveled to Italy and Greece to study classical and contemporary European art and architecture. She has presented workshops in visual art to educators at the local and national level, and has developed curricula for visual art, art history, and arts integration. As a freelance graphic designer, her clients have included international corporations and local businesses. She has also created artwork and illustrations for books. She is fluent in English and Urdu, and holds a B.A. in Fine Arts and Art Education with a minor in Art History from the University of Houston.
Troy Scheid is the founder of Brave Little Company – Theatre for Everyone. Troy’s directorial work includes several regional and world premieres at Main Street Theater, Houston Grand Opera, the Ensemble Theatre, Mildred’s Umbrella Theatre Company, Classical Theatre Company, and The Landing Theatre Company, among others, and in New York and Chicago. In 2017, she received an award from the Darfurian Association of Greater Houston for collaborating with the refugee community on the Landing Theatre’s production of In Darfur. A theatre educator with over 18 years’ experience, she is a graduate of HSPVA, Rice University, and Rice’s Leadership Institute for Non-Profit Executives. She is an associate member of SDC, the union for professional directors and choreographers in the United States.
Sophia L. Torres is Founder and Artistic Director of Psophonia Dance Company. She has choreographed numerous works under Psophonia and has received awards and recognition for her innovative choreography. Her work was seen in performances at the 2017 Super Bowl LI - Houston LIVE Event at Discovery Green; MATCH in collaboration with Dr. Rob Smith, Director of UH AURA Contemporary Ensemble on the evening length multidisciplinary works Memory Web and their most recent production Colony; and three Main Street Theater productions. She is a member of the dance faculty at the University of Houston where she has taught all levels of modern technique and choreographed for the UH Dance Ensemble. Additionally, Torres helped launch and manages the Arts for Learning Lab (ALL), an initiative between Young Audiences of Houston and UH Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts Dance Program and Center for Art and Social Engagement. The ALL program is a 2020 National Endowment for the Arts grant recipient.
Photo of Rachel, Neda, and Sophia by H+D Media.
Amaanah Refugee Services
Connect Community
CHAT - Culture of Health, Advancing Together
The Future Beyond Charity
Living Hope Wheelchair Association
Madres Del Parque
Does your organization serve Houston's refugee communities, and would you like to partner with us? Please email
THE BIG "US" PROJECT is an initiative of Brave Little Company - Theatre for Everyone.
Press Release (2019): Brave Little Company announces THE BIG "US" PROJECT
Press Release (2019): THE BIG “US” PROJECT announces March 9 performances